Brunswick Community Health Centre & Library
Sprunt was appointed by Elevate, working in partnership with the London Borough of Barnet and NHS Barnet, to design a multi-function facility which co-locates a number of community uses together in one building with a common shared entrance, reception and support areas. In all, the building includes a Health Centre for 5 GPs and community services; Pharmacy; Library; Children's Centre; Nursery; Hydrotherapy pool; Acorn assessment centre and Cafeteria - all of which to Breeam Excellent standard.
At the same time, the opportunity is being taken to improve the visibility of and access to Brunswick Park at the North-East part of the site. A masterplan for the regeneration of this area, which also included the re-provision of the existing Brunswick Park Primary School as a two form of entry school and the creation of a medium size public swimming pool and gym, was prepared and costed in 2009 and this remains part of the context for the entire redevelopment of the site in the longer term.